
Depression, also known as clinical depression or major depressive disorder, is more than just everyday sadness or going through a tough time. It’s diagnosed as a medical condition when symptoms interfere with a person’s life for weeks or months. Depression is treatable, and there are ways to feel better.

Signs and Symptoms

Here are some common signs of clinical depression that may require support and treatment. Remember, the earlier you’re diagnosed and start treatment, the sooner you can start feeling better and getting back to your life.

  • Feeling Down

    Persistently feeling sad, anxious, irritable or “empty.”

  • Unusual Behaviors

    Loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities, withdrawal from friends and family.

  • Changes in Routines

    Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much. Significant change in appetite and/or weight.

  • Relationship Issues

    Overreacting to criticism or arguments. Feeling unable to meet other people’s expectations.

  • Physical Symptoms

    Headaches, digestive problems or chronic pain that do not respond to routine treatment.

  • School/Work Issues

    Difficulty showing up on time, concentrating, focusing, remembering details and making decisions.

  • Feeling Hopeless

    Feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness or guilt. Thinking about, planning or attempting suicide.

Get Support

These resources can help you find professional support online, on the phone or in person. And if you or a friend are having thoughts of suicide, reach out immediately for a free, confidential chat with a trained counselor anytime. 

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Crisis Text Line Text Line Text ACTION to 741741
Lifeline Call Line 988
Trans Lifeline Call Line 877-565-8860
The Trevor Project Website Visit website
ADAA Therapist Search Website Visit website
BetterHelp Website Visit website
Talkspace Website Visit website